
Reports from the district headquarter towns of Moyamba and Pujehun in the Southern province and in Makeni and Port Loko in the Northern Province state that serious fighting has erupted between several leading families and youth in various chiefdoms to forcefully initiate them into the Poro Society.

According to information reaching our news desk, in Boywah village in Moyamba, there has been serious fighting among two families, the George and Fahundu, over initiation of family members into the Poro Society.

Also, similar incident occurred in the village of Mandu respectively over the forceful initiation into the Poro Society by members of the
Massaquoi family of a Sogbandi elder.

This being the season of initiation, reports are that fighting has also erupted in several villages in Bombali district, Northern Province; one of the villages being Binkolo between the Kargbo and Koroma families.

This has forced many young men who fear to be initiated into the society against their will to flee from their villages, with their whereabouts unknown.

This habit started as far back as 2014 when elderly members in the various chiefdoms started capturing youth above Eight years to initiates them into the poro society.

Some youth who were forcefully abducted to join the society initially died in the cause of initiation.

This development forced many families to escape with their children to safer locations.